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Polish nurse wins prestigious award for AI dementia communication tool

14.05.2024 19:00
Adrian Nowakowski, a Polish nurse and computer science student, has been awarded the prestigious Queen Silvia Nursing Award for his innovative artificial intelligence (AI) tool designed to improve communication with dementia patients.
Illustrative photo.
Illustrative photo.shutterstock/Rido

Nowakowski, who works at the Central Clinical Hospital of Warsaw Medical University, created an AI simulator that trains nursing students in effective communication with patients who have dementia.

The AI tool simulates real-life interactions, challenging students to navigate typical scenarios they might encounter, such as convincing a patient to take medication. It provides instant feedback, offering suggestions for improvement, such as simpler language or alternative approaches that may be more comprehensible to patients with dementia.

"Now, students can experience complex patient interactions in a controlled environment and refine their communication strategies before they even enter a real clinical setting," Nowakowski explained, as quoted by state news agency PAP.

Nowakowski's invention aims to enhance nursing education and patient care, reducing stress for both healthcare providers and patients. It also offers potential benefits for families of dementia sufferers, helping them better understand and manage the disease's challenges.

The Queen Silvia Nursing Award includes an EUR 6,000 scholarship and an internship opportunity. The award ceremony, hosted by the Queen of Sweden, is set to take place at the Royal Palace in Stockholm on September 12.


Source: PAP