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Polish Day: celebrating Poland's EU membership in Brussels

04.05.2024 10:15
Today marks a special occasion in Brussels—a grand celebration commemorating the 20th anniversary of Poland's membership in the European Union.

The event, aptly named Polish Day, is not only a vibrant cultural extravaganza but also the largest modern Polish festival in Europe. Organized by the non-governmental organization "Sztabki," Polish Day brings together representatives from Polish voivodeships, community organizations, and schools to showcase Poland's rich cultural heritage and modern achievements within the EU.

"We are combining tradition with modernity," remarked Jacek Waldhaus, the head of the "Sztabki" organization, emphasizing the event's dual focus on preserving Polish traditions while embracing contemporary elements.

The festival promises an array of activities catering to all interests and age groups. Visitors can immerse themselves in traditional Polish crafts such as dumpling-making and lace sewing, or embark on more adventurous pursuits like climbing lessons under the guidance of the Polish Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue. For those seeking a cinematic experience, a cutting-edge 5D cinema awaits.

"This is a modern way of presenting Poland in Europe," Waldhaus noted, as quoted by Polish Radio’s IAR news agency.

Over a hundred young volunteers, including Poles and representatives of the Polish diaspora, will lend their enthusiasm and support to ensure the event's success.

In line with the Polish Institute in Brussels' mission to promote Polish language and literature, the festival will feature Polish language workshops for foreigners and a special meeting with Polish writers residing in Belgium.

Renowned author Grażyna Plebanek will be among the distinguished guests, presenting her book titled "Bruksela - zwierzęcość w mieście" ("Brussels - Animality in the City"). Reflecting on the significance of Poland's EU membership, Plebanek remarked:

"This book probably wouldn't have been written if it weren't for the fact that a group of enthusiasts, working hard 20 years ago, opened the doors to Europe for Polish women and men."

For Plebanek, Poland's integration into Europe represents an opportunity to shed inhibitions and forge meaningful connections with others. "Being in Europe means that we can get rid of complexes, that we can cooperate with people, communicate with them, and create together," she emphasized.

Polish Day unfolds in the heart of Brussels, at the Cinquantenaire park, culminating in an evening concert featuring the acclaimed Polish rock artist Katarzyna Nosowska.


Source: IAR, Polskie Radio