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UFO? Kyiv residents puzzled by unexplained flash

20.04.2023 13:30
Kyiv residents have been left bewildered by a flash of light that illuminated the night sky, triggering speculation and quips about extraterrestrial life, Reuters reported.
Image: twitter.com/EuromaidanPress

Videos shared on social media captured the sudden flash of light above the Ukrainian capital, with one clip appearing to show a fiery object crashing to the ground. Authorities in Kyiv confirmed that an unidentified object had fallen from the sky late on Wednesday, resulting in an air alert being issued for the city and surrounding areas. However, the cause of the event remains unknown.

"After verification and clarification, the information regarding the possible use of enemy aircraft or an air strike with missile weapons was not confirmed," Kyiv’s City Military Administration stated on Telegram.

Despite being frequently targeted by Russian missiles and drones, the people of Kyiv appeared to relish the opportunity to speculate about the cause of the recent flash in the sky, Reuters reported. Even high-ranking officials joined the fun, with head of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's office, Andriy Yermak, jokingly posting a UFO emoji.

While some proposed that a falling American satellite was to blame, NASA quickly dismissed this theory. A spokesperson for Ukraine's air force, Yuriy Ihnat, instead suggested that a meteorite could have entered the Earth's atmosphere.


Source: Reuters