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Poles banned from using cellphones while crossing street

01.06.2021 07:40
Pedestrians in Poland are not allowed to stare into their cellphone screens while crossing the street under new rules that came into force on Tuesday.
Photo: Jan VaekPixabay
Photo: Jan Vašek/Pixabay Pixabay licence

The move is part of a wider drive to improve safety on the country’s notoriously dangerous roads.

Meanwhile, motorists now have to keep their distance from the car ahead on highways and expressways. The ban is designed to prevent the practice of tailgating – a common sight on Polish roads.

Under another amendment to the law, drivers have to give priority to people about to step out onto a pedestrian crossing, as well as those already on it.

Almost 2,500 people died on the country’s roads last year, public broadcaster Polish Radio has reported. It added that the number of pedestrians killed on Polish streets is the highest in Europe.


Source: IAR