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Russian Embassy cancels May 9 event in Warsaw

08.05.2022 09:43
As Polish officials speak out against the plans
Der stellvertretende Auenminister Marcin Przydacz erklrte gegenber Medien, dass das Ministerium die Bitte der russischen Botschaft um Untersttzung bei der Organisation einer Gedenkfeier am 9. Mai abgelehnt hat.
Der stellvertretende Außenminister Marcin Przydacz erklärte gegenüber Medien, dass das Ministerium die Bitte der russischen Botschaft um Unterstützung bei der Organisation einer Gedenkfeier am 9. Mai abgelehnt hat. shutterstock.com/Irina Borsuchenko

 The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Warsaw has cancelled Monday's planned ceremony at a monument in the capital commemorating Russian soldiers. In its communique, the Embassy writes that Poland's Foreign Ministry "did not recommend" that the observations should be held. In Russia, May 9 is celebrated as Victory Day, ending World War 2. There is a large cemetery and mausoleum of Russian soldiers in Warsaw. 

 FM spokesman Łukasz Jasina, on his way with Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau to Teheran, wrote on Twitter that the minister expects that in the current international context, resulting from the lawless agression of the Russian Federation on Ukraine, President of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski will not consent to the public gathering planned by the Russian Ambassador and Embassy in Warsaw on May 9.

 Earlier, the Warsaw mayor informed that the Embassy wanted to organize an event in Warsaw and had approached the Foreign Ministry for "support". Rafał Trzaskowski wrote on Twitter that on his part there was no consent to the "aggressor's celebration" in Warsaw, arguing that no Polish institution should lend a hand to this initiative and concluding that it should not be allowed.

 Also deputy Foreign Minister Marcin Przydacz informed media that the Ministry neither intended to or would support the Russian Embassy's plans, also saying that it was in the power of the capital's municipal authorities to forbid the holding of any event in Warsaw.

Source: IAR