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Polish gov't adopts EUR 5.4 bn plan to hike child benefits from 2024

27.06.2023 23:30
Poland's conservative government has adopted a proposal to increase its flagship “Family 500+” child benefit by PLN 300 (EUR 65) to PLN 800 (EUR 180) from next year.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announces an increase in his governments flagship child benefit in Warsaw, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.
Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announces an increase in his government's flagship child benefit in Warsaw, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023.PAP/Radek Pietruszka

The draft legislation was approved at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

At a news conference afterwards, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said: “Today is one of the most beautiful moments in the work of the government, as we discuss turning the Family 500+ programme into the Family 800+ programme.” 

Respect for families, eradication of poverty

Speaking at a picnic for families in the gardens of his office, the Polish prime minister added that the generous children’s allowance, introduced by Poland’s ruling conservatives in April 2016, “is designed to boost respect for families.”

He told reporters that the child benefit “boosts life chances for all of our children, allowing them to attend extracurricular activities, to book additional dance or music classes, to take part in sports activities and to go on holiday trips.” 

Morawiecki said: “This child-benefit scheme has practically eradicated poverty. According to the latest studies, Poland is among the top three European Union countries in terms of having the biggest success in combating poverty.”

Hike to benefit 6.7 million kids, cost EUR 5.4 bn in 2024 

The Family 500+ programme is a universal benefit available to all children from birth until they turn 18, according to officials. 

The increase to PLN 800 (EUR 180) from 2024 will come at a cost to the government of PLN 24 billion (EUR 5.4 billion), Morawiecki said on Tuesday.

After the hike, the programme will cost PLN 70 billion (EUR 15.7 billion) a year, news outlets reported.

Some 6.7 million Polish children will be getting the increased benefit each month, according to the government. 

The plan to increase the allowance by PLN 300 (EUR 65) to PLN 800 (EUR 180) from 2024 was first announced by the leader of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party last month, the PAP news agency reported.

Jarosław Kaczyński made the pledge at a party conference in Warsaw on May 14, it noted. 


Source: IAR, PAP, gov.pl