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Opposition leader asserts Poland will have a say in EU reform

29.11.2023 09:30
Polish opposition leader Donald Tusk has said the country will have a say in whether European Union treaties are amended "so that nothing about Poland will be decided without Poland."
Donald Tusk (centre) in parliament on Tuesday, November 28, 2023.
Donald Tusk (centre) in parliament on Tuesday, November 28, 2023.PAP/Marcin Obara

Tusk, a former top EU official, made the statement at a media briefing in parliament on Tuesday.

The leader of the liberal Civic Coalition (KO) said that "no decision about Europe will be imposed on Poland," state news agency PAP reported.

Tusk stated that he had sought to win last month's parliamentary election "also to ensure that Poland regains an influence on Europe's decisions."

He added that Poland would "participate in deciding the direction of change in the EU."

Asked if the proposed changes to EU treaties could threaten Poland's sovereignty, Tusk said that "Polish sovereignty is not threatened by Brussels or the EU."

He told reporters that Poland's sovereignty could be in danger if the country were isolated, if there was "some upheaval" in America or if "further conflicts emerged."

He said that the Polish government "must deal professionally" with such potential developments.

Tusk added that it was "time for an ambitious European policy, but not necessarily such amendments to EU treaties as those proposed by the European Parliament."

Last week, the European Parliament adopted a set of proposals to amend EU treaties, a move designed to "give citizens a stronger say and create a more effective EU."

The main proposed changes include abolishing the principle of unanimity in the European Council in 65 policy areas, to be replaced by qualified majority voting; the transfer of powers from member states to the EU, in areas such as foreign affairs, external security and defence; and making the euro the mandatory currency for EU countries, public broadcaster Polish Radio's IAR news agency reported.

Tusk has been named as the candidate for Poland's new prime minister by a bloc of pro-European Union opposition parties.

He has already chosen most candidates for ministerial roles in his future Cabinet, if the ruling conservatives fail to secure parliamentary backing for their new government, according to the Rzeczpospolita newspaper.


Source: IAR, PAP300polityka.pl