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Donald Tusk will not be running for president next year

23.05.2024 22:20
Donald Tusk, the Polish prime minister, has made a clear statement that he will not be running for president in the 2025 elections. Tusk suggested he was leaving the field open for Rafał Trzaskowski who he would be "happy" to see "try again".  
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Photo: PAP/Piotr Nowak

In an interview for the Polish public television channel TVP1, Tusk has sought to end speculation that he will be running in the 2025 presidential elections:

Tusk said that he was making such an "unambiguous" statement to put and end to speculation in the press. 

When asked if Warsaw's current mayor Rafał Trzaskowski would be PO's candidate (Tusk's party), the prime minister replied that he would be very happy if he "tried again". (Trzaskowski was narrowly defeated by Duda in the 2020 presidential elections, having entered the elections at a very late stage.)

Tusk emphasized how much work there is to do as prime minister, not even "several years" will be enough to fix everything (implicitly: everything he has inherited from the previous government.)

Tusk may here be trying to exorcise demons from his past, demons which haunt his public image. On more than one occasion he has been accused of being a lazy leader and even - or perhaps especially - his supporters have held it against him that he left PO and Poland in "very capable hands" at the end of 2014 to take up the position of President of the European Parliament. 

Law and Justice went on to win both the parliamentary and the presidential elections of 2015 and dominate Polish politics for 8 years.

Sources: PAP, TVP1, RadioPIK, RMF24
