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Poland's planned new air hub vital for NATO: audio report

27.11.2023 20:00
Poland's planned new air hub near Warsaw should be among NATO's top priorities as the project could help boost the mobility of the alliance's forces, an American political scientist has said.  
An artists impression of Polands planned new mega air hub.
An artist's impression of Poland's planned new mega air hub.PAP/Piotr Nowak

Andrew Michta, a senior fellow at the US think tank the Atlantic Council, argues that NATO "needs to focus on improving military mobility," especially "North-South along the Eastern frontier."

His comments follow a recent statement by Lt. Gen. Alexander Sollfrank, the chief of NATO's logistics command, who told the Reuters news agency that NATO was "running out of time" in its efforts to enable faster troop movements across Europe.

A similar opinion was expressed earlier this year by Marcin Horała, the Polish government's commissioner for the planned new air hub near Warsaw, known as the Solidarity Transport Hub (CPK) project.

"This project puts more emphasis and more priority on the national security aspect, which is also present here," Horała told Radio Poland's Danuta Isler.

He added: "The CPK project will eventually increase the military mobility of NATO on its eastern flank dozens of times, allowing the number of troops, military equipment, and supplies to be quickly moved to Poland and distributed here."

The new air hub planned between Warsaw and the central city of Łódź, known as the Solidarity Transport Hub, is expected to integrate air, rail and road transport.

The airport is due to be launched in 2028 to initially handle 40 million passengers a year. 

Click on the audio player above to hear the interview with Marcin Horała.