English Section

HIGH NOTE :: "Rinaldo" opens Polish Royal Opera's first Baroque Festival

04.10.2021 21:07
Exquisitely followed by "Dido and Aeneas", "La Serva Padrona", "L'Orfeo", "Rodelinda" and "Scene Buffe" 
Rinaldo Polska Opera Królewska

 Elżbieta Krajewska talks to director of the premiere production Jarosław Kilian, scenographer Dorota Kołodyńska and eminent soprano Olga Pasichnyik who can be seen in all of the festival productions, also alongside her student, Jakub Foltak making his debut on the Polish Royal Opera's stage at the eighteenth-century Stanisławowski Theatre in Warsaw's Łazienki.

"Rinaldo", which opened to enthusiastic reviews, comes back to Warsaw after twenty years.