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POLIN museum launches new exhibition on pre-war Jewish life in Poland, featuring art by Mayer Kirshenblatt

17.05.2024 14:56
Radio Poland talks to Prof. Barbara Kirshenblatt, daughter of a Polish-Jewish painter, whose art collection about the life of Jews in Poland kicks off at POLIN Museum in Warsaw as it opens its doors to the public for the annual Long Night of Museums.

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw is opening a new temporary exhibition titled "(post)JEWISH…Shtetl Opatów Through the Eyes of Mayer Kirshenblatt" which shows what the life of Jews in Poland was like before World War II.

The audience will learn about shared Polish-Jewish history through Mayer’s paintings, who migrated to Canada with his mother and brothers as a teenager, in 1934.

As part of the annual Long Night of Museum event in Warsaw, which kicks off on Saturday, POLIN will organize a display tour with Kirshenblatt's daughter, Barbara, who is also a co-host of the exhibition.

Prof. Barbara Kirshenblatt spoke with Radio Poland’s Ada Janiszewska.