English Section

A Letter from Poland - Smalltown Poles, Part I

22.01.2024 15:30
This week's Letter begins a discussion of life in small-town Poland, taking as its starting point the 80s hit "Smalltown Boy" by Bronski Beat. Among other things, we ask: What are the advantages of living in a Polish small town? Is there much to do? Does the Church dominate life? Do gay people need to run away from small towns to find happiness - as Bronski Beat's song suggests?
Small town which declared itself LGBT free. The sign was erected by LGBT rights campaigners to draw attention to the situation. The local governments supporting LGBT-free zones backed down under pressure from the EU.
Small town which declared itself "LGBT free". The sign was erected by LGBT rights campaigners to draw attention to the situation. The local governments supporting LGBT-free zones backed down under pressure from the EU. Photo: Wikimedia/CC

Presented by Patrick Trompiz.