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Warsaw conference debates ways to tackle climate change

17.03.2023 18:30
A two-day climate conference has taken place in Warsaw under the auspices of the European Commission, focusing on solutions in the region to counteract global climate change.
The two-day annual Polish Climate Congress was held in Warsaw on Thursday and Friday.
The two-day annual Polish Climate Congress was held in Warsaw on Thursday and Friday.Image courtesy of organizers/polskikongresklimatyczny.pl

The annual event, called the Polish Climate Conference, attracted representatives from the European Union's executive, local governments and selected embassies in Warsaw, as well as experts.

It focused on five areas, including Poland's future energy mix, ways of financing climate investment projects and best practices in both local government and business to protect the environment.

"Everyone at the conference here understands why we have to do it," James Hughes, Counselor for Economic Affairs at the British embassy in Warsaw, told Radio Poland's Danuta Isler.

He added: "Everyone understands what we have to do: we have to achieve net zero emissions. There are clear ecological and humanitarian reasons why we have to achieve this. In Poland we see that too. Climate emissions don't have passports. They do not respect national boundaries. The key thing, however, is demonstrating how it is possible to do that while maintaining economic growth."

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