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Presidential aide says Poland will support Ukraine 'until victory is won' against Russia

23.08.2022 06:30
A senior Polish presidential aide has said that Poland is determined to support Ukraine "until victory is won" in the war with Russia.
Jakub Kumoch
Jakub KumochPAP/Viacheslav Ratynskyi

Jakub Kumoch, who is a senior foreign policy advisor to Polish President Andrzej Duda, said in Kyiv on Monday that Poland and Ukraine were working on a new treaty to strengthen their relations.

He told reporters that Warsaw and Kyiv were "speaking the same language," and added that "the defence of Ukraine is also the defence of Poland," public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported.

Kumoch, who heads the Polish president's International Policy Bureau, declared that Poland "will continue to support Ukraine until victory is won" against Russia, the IAR news agency reported. 

Kumoch was in the Ukrainian capital on Monday to attend a meeting of the Kyiv Initiative, a new platform of international cooperation that is designed to coordinate support for Ukraine, according to officials.

The meeting was also attended by presidential aides and senior advisers from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine, officials told reporters.

Tuesday is day 181 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Source: IAR