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Polish radio stations unite in solidarity with Ukraine on war anniversary

23.02.2024 16:30
In a symbolic gesture of solidarity with Ukraine and protest against the invasion and brutality of Russian troops, a number of Polish radio stations will simultaneously play John Lennon's iconic peace anthem, "Give Peace a Chance," on Saturday, February 24, at 9:45 a.m. Warsaw time (GMT+1).
Saturday, February 24, will mark two years since Russia invaded Ukraine.
Saturday, February 24, will mark two years since Russia invaded Ukraine.Image: Publicity handout

The initiative aims to mark the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, which has led to hundreds of thousands of casualties among civilians and soldiers and resulted in the devastation of Ukrainian cities and villages, destruction of schools, hospitals, cultural institutions and civilian infrastructure, and millions displaced from their homes.

The project is a joint effort by public broadcaster Polish Radio and Poland's major commercial radio stations, including Radio Zet, RMF FM and Radio Eska.

The idea to play the world-renowned anti-war protest song was initiated in 2022, shortly after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, by the German local station Radioeins.

On March 4, 2022, the campaign saw participation from over 150 radio stations across Europe.

Organizers invite all radio stations to join the initiative without the need for registration or formal announcements. Stations simply need to broadcast Lennon's song at the designated time on February 24.

This collective broadcast serves as a reminder to listeners throughout Poland of the ongoing cruel war east of its borders, demonstrating unity and vocal opposition to Russian barbarism and imperial ambitions, organizers say.

It is also a symbol of support for the Ukrainian people during these difficult times.

"Give Peace a Chance," recorded by John Lennon in July 1969 during his and Yoko Ono's "bed-in" at a Montreal hotel, was initially a protest against the Vietnam War. Over time, it has become an anti-war chant invoked to oppose various armed conflicts.

The annual initiative by radio broadcasters demonstrates the solidarity within the Polish community and the broader international opposition to the aggression faced by Ukraine.

While it may be seen as naively promoting peace talks at any cost – which, in the context of Russia's genocidal intent, would be unrealistic – it rather reflects a collective yearning for an end to the war.

Ukrainian authorities and ordinary people have often stated that peace indeed will come as soon as Russian troops have withdrawn from the entire Ukrainian territory and Russian bombers have ceased raining destruction on Ukrainian cities.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, starting the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II.

Saturday will mark two years of Russia’s war against Ukraine.


Source: IAR, polskieradio.pl