The measure provides all Poles who turn 100 with automatic monthly payments, regardless of their existing pensions or annuities.
The law replaces the previous ad hoc mechanism, established in 1972, which granted these benefits as exceptional allowances through the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), according to the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.
The new payments are set at PLN 6,246.13 (EUR 1,465, USD 1,500) gross per month.
Starting March 1, the payments will be subject to annual adjustments for inflation, following the same principles used for pension and annuity indexation, officials have said.
The new rules aim to ensure legal predictability and fairness for the nation's oldest citizens, providing consistent financial support as they reach this significant milestone, according to the government.
Poland is home to around 6,000 centenarians, a number expected to rise as life expectancy increases, state news agency PAP reported.
Source: IAR, PAP