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Danish commentators praise Poland for stemming migrant tide: report

23.11.2021 14:00
Two commentators for Danish daily Jyllands-Posten have praised Poland for warding off a wave of migrants trying to illegally enter the European Union from Belarus, a Polish website reported on Tuesday.
Polands Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (centre) visits the countrys forces at the frontier with Belarus during the migration crisis.
Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (centre) visits the country's forces at the frontier with Belarus during the migration crisis.PAP/Adam Guz/KPRM

Writing in the Danish newspaper's online edition, columnist and historian Mikael Jalving said that throughout Europe, some two-thirds of the migrants who had their asylum applications rejected, were nonetheless remaining on the continent. 

"The authorities are unable, unwilling, or don't dare to expel them," Jalving said, according to Poland's tvp.info website.

'Poland is not yet lost'

He estimated that the number of people with such status grew by around 100,000 each year. 

According to Jalving, this is possible thanks to pro-immigrant lobbying on the part of political parties, cultural organisations and businesses and religious groups, tvp.info reported.

As a result, "combating unwanted migration seems difficult, but is not impossible, as proved by events on the Polish-Belarusian frontier," Jalving wrote, as cited by tvp.info.

The waves of migration are "not an inexorable force of nature" and "Europe is not destined to perish like the Roman Empire did when the Vandals arrived from the north," he was also quoted as saying.

"We can defend the border militarily, like the Polish government; all it takes is a few thousand troops, a wall and rifles," he added, according to tvp.info.

"Poland is not yet lost," Jalving concluded, referring to the Polish national anthem, tvp.info reported. 

'We must learn to think like Polish people'

Meanwhile, another columnist with Jyllands-PostenMorten Uhrskov Jensen, wrote that while the surrounding world was rapidly changing, the EU seemed stuck "in the 1990s, just after the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union," tvp.info reported.

It said Jensen criticised the bloc for "incompetence and overall paralysis" in his piece, in which he also argued that Poland "has not received any financial help" as it strengthened its border amid the migrant crisis.

According to Jensen, in the circumstances, Warsaw "made the only correct decision - to defend its frontier against foreign colonisation," just like it stood up to the "bloodthirsty Red Army in the pivotal Battle of Warsaw in 1920," when it defended Europe against communism, tvp.info reported.

"We in the West must swiftly learn to think like the Poles, the Hungarians, and other nations of Central and Eastern Europe, so that we can reject the absurd notion that humanity is unified around the same aspirations and existential hopes," Jensen wrote, according to tvp.info.


Source: tvp.info