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"Let's remove Turkey from NATO if Erdogan continues to block Sweden and Finland's NATO accession"

01.02.2023 21:30
George Monastiriakos, a Greek expert in international relations, has encouraged a tougher stance towards Turkey if Erdogan continues to disrupt the "free world's" unity against Russia.
Flags of Finland, NATO and Sweden
Flags of Finland, NATO and SwedenRobert Ghement/PAP/EPA

Monastiriakos made the remarks in the Greek daily "Kathimerini" on Wednesday. He argues that in the context of the new order emerging after Russia's attack against Ukraine, NATO should not tolerate Turkey's veto blocking Sweden and Finland who have decided to join NATO.

Poland was one of the first countries to ratify their membership, as we reported earlier.

Monastiriakos emphaszied that NATO is not only a military alliance, but an alliance of "democratic" countries of the "free world" and he drew attention to the downturn in democratic standards in Erdogan's Turkey.

Source: PAP
