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US to supply EU with more LNG amid 'Putin's brutal attack on Ukraine': Biden

25.03.2022 12:15
The United States will ship more liquefied natural gas (LNG) to the European Union to help reduce its reliance on Russian energy, US President Joe Biden said on Friday.
US President Joe Biden
US President Joe BidenPhoto: EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

He was speaking as he met with EU leaders in Brussels to discuss an energy crunch triggered by Russia's war against Ukraine, news agencies reported.

"We're coming together to reduce Europe's dependence on Russia's energy," Biden told reporters in the Belgian capital, as quoted by the Reuters news agency.

"We should not subsidise Putin's brutal attack on Ukraine," he added.

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said at a joint news conference with Biden that the 27-nation bloc was working to reduce its dependence on Russian energy supplies.

"Your commitment to provide the EU with an additional 15 bcm (billion cubic metres) of LNG this year is a big step in this direction," she said.

"We are determined to stand up against Russia's brutal war," she added.

The Polish government spokesman on Friday called on the EU to impose sanctions on Russian energy and close its ports to Russian ships. 


Source: IAR, PAP, Reuters