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Japan's Daikin to create 1,500 jobs in Poland: PM

07.07.2022 20:00
Japanese heat pump maker Daikin is set to invest in Poland, creating 1,500 new jobs, the Polish prime minister has said.
Polands Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announces a new EUR 310 million foreign investment project by Japanese heat pump maker Daikin, at a news conference in Ksawerów, central Poland, on Thursday, July 7, 2022.
Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announces a new EUR 310 million foreign investment project by Japanese heat pump maker Daikin, at a news conference in Ksawerów, central Poland, on Thursday, July 7, 2022. PAP/Grzegorz Michałowski

Mateusz Morawiecki made the announcement in Ksawerów, central Poland, on Thursday, state news agency PAP reported.

He said: “We want Poland to be a thriving place for investors from around the world. And today we have more proof that this will be the case. Thanks to the Daikin company’s investment, at least 1,500 jobs will be created here, in Ksawerów near Łódź.”

Morawiecki added: “With its state-of-the-art products, Daikin will be creating advanced jobs here in Poland.”

EUR 310 million heat pump factory

The Japanese electrical giant, based in the city of Osaka, is expected to invest PLN 1.5 billion (EUR 310 million) in a heat pump factory in Ksawerów, officials told reporters. 

The Polish prime minister went on to say: “In the European Union’s new budget perspective there will be additional funds for attracting investors. Also, there will be additional administrative and environmental rules to make the bureaucratic burden as small as possible, and for Poland to be one of the best investment destinations in the world.”

Morawiecki told reporters that, thanks to his government’s "business-friendly policies," Poland's investment climate has improved, with unemployment falling to “a historic low of 2.7 percent, according to the European Commission.”


Source: PAPbiznes.interia.pl