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Poland must embrace atomic energy, president says

06.12.2023 07:00
The Polish president has said that his country plans to undergo transition to low-carbon energy over the next 30 years, especially nuclear energy, to help stem global warming.
Polish President Andrzej Duda talks to reporters at the United Nations COP28 climate summit in Dubai at the weekend.
Polish President Andrzej Duda talks to reporters at the United Nations' COP28 climate summit in Dubai at the weekend.PAP/Radek Pietruszka

Andrzej Duda made the declaration in an interview with Saudi-owned broadcaster Al Arabiya in Dubai at the weekend, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

Poland's head of state visited the United Arab Emirates for the latest United Nations climate summit, COP28.

The Polish president said that "atomic energy represents Poland's future."    

He added that nuclear power plants would help Poland "decarbonise energy and protect the climate," in line with its obligations as a member of the European Union.

On Saturday, Poland joined more than 20 other countries in promising to triple the world's nuclear power capacity by the 2050s.

Duda told Al-Arabiya that Poland planned to switch to low-carbon energy "over the next 30 years," with the first nuclear power plant scheduled for launch in 2033, in cooperation with US firms Westinghouse and Bechtel.

Poland aims to deepen economic ties with UAE

He also declared that "Poland aims to step up economic relations with the United Arab Emirates," including through direct investments by Emirati companies in the Polish economy.

The Polish president said there was potential for cooperation "in many industries," including aviation, IT and renewable energy.

The leaders of the 198 nations gathered in Dubai discussed ways to tackle global warming on Friday and Saturday.

Diplomats then took over to thrash out the COP 28 summit's final agreement, designed to keep global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, public broadcaster Polish Radio's IAR news agency reported.

The 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) runs until December 12.


Source: IAR, PAPprezydent.pl