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BALANCE Growing super berries -part 1

13.04.2023 19:00
Haskap, a fruit bush originating from Kamchatka (also known as blue berry honey suckle), has been highly regarded for its pro-health properties in Japan for decades, cultivated in Canada for 10 years and on an industrial scale in Poland for a few years. 
Małgorzata Jaszyk, Vice President of Nutracevit,  a  family-owned company that grows haskap berries organically.
Małgorzata Jaszyk, Vice President of Nutracevit, a family-owned company that grows haskap berries organically. Photo: Radio Poland

One of the companies that have invested in growing haskap berried is Nutracevit - a family-owned company that started in 2015 whose adventure with adventure with haskap started in 2014. Their first product 'Vitality' haskap berry juice won the Best New Product Award in drinks category at the organic food fairs BIOFACH in Nurnberg in 2019. To find out more BALANCE spoke to Malgorzata Jaszyk, Vice-President of Nutracevit limited liability company. 

BALANCE is presented by Danuta Isler