English Section

1.5 years for convicted paedophile

03.04.2024 17:10
Lublin: A music teacher has been sentenced to 1.5 years imprisonment for sexually assaulting underage girls - his pupils. He may apply for electronic tagging and serve his sentence in society.  
Electronic Tag.
Electronic Tag. Photo: Polish Prison Service / sw.gov.pl

An 83-year-old male music teacher has been found guilty of sexually assaulting his pupils - girls under the age of 15. The assaults took place during music classes. 

The court heard that the girls did not inform their parents earlier out of fear and shame. The court did not accept the teacher's line of defence that the touching "was a natural part of music instruction", particularly because the accusations were from girls who did not know each other and were very consistent. 

The judge described the sentence as "humanitarian" and was low in virtue of the teacher's age. The verdict may still be appealed and the man may apply for the sentence to be carried out outside prison using electronic tagging.

Sources: PAP, wnp.pl, fakt.pl, Polish Prison Service website
