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Tatra region witnesses surge in Arab tourism

25.05.2024 15:00
Zakopane, Poland’s most popular resort in the Tatra Mountains, has witnessed an increase in bookings from Arab countries, Polish Press Agency PAP reported.
arabscy turysci w Zakopane
arabscy turysci w Zakopanehttps://regiony.tvp.pl/

The Tatra Mountains are particularly popular with tourists from the Arabian Peninsula, especially those from the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Kuwait.

Karol Wagner from the Tatra Economic Chamber told the Polish Press Agency PAP that there is an expectation of increased tourism from Arab countries, as seen in the rise in summer holiday bookings and the expansion of flight connections to Kraków.

According to Wagner, the demand for a holiday in the Tatra Mountains among guests from Arab countries is very high. "We can see 20% more bookings from this direction compared to the same period last year, and the number is growing," he highlighted.

"Guests from the Arabian Peninsula spend a lot of money when traveling. They have slightly higher requirements for which they are willing to pay extra, such as for a special and unknown cuisine," Wagner noted.

Zakopane hoteliers also expect increasing numbers of Hungarian and Slovak tourists this summer.

In the case of Hungarians and Slovaks, Wagner said: "Poland is still attractive not because of the prices of tourist services, but also when it comes to purchases of all sorts of goods, not only food products, but also clothing."
