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OFFSIDE The rise of e-sports in Poland

21.02.2020 19:00
Ahead of another edition of the Intel Extreme Masters in Katowice at the end of the month we'll look at the rise of e-sports in Poland.  
Adrian Kostrzębski, spokesperson of ESL (Electronic Sports League) Polska
Adrian Kostrzębski, spokesperson of ESL (Electronic Sports League) Polska Photo: Danuta Isler, Radio Poland

The Polish Radio Sports Awards were presented for the third time and they included an e-sport event category. The winner was ESL Polska, the driving force behind The Intel Extreme Masters, which is held every year in Katowice. OFFSIDE talks to Adrian Kostrzębski,the director of regional development at ESL Polska (Electronic Sports League).  

OFFSIDE is presented by Danuta Isler