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FOCUS :: "Nigra Crux Mala Crux"

11.01.2024 21:12
How the history of the Teutonic Knights was exploited for political and ideological ends  
Nigra crux mala crux
Nigra crux mala cruxzamek.malbork.pl

"Nigra Crux Mala Crux: The Black and White History of the Teutonic Order" is the title of an exhibition now in its final days at Malbork Castle Museum in Malbork, the awe-inspiring historic seat of the Knights. The narrative begins in the Middle Ages with special focus on the 19th and 20th century. As Malbork Museum writes: "That is when the Teutonic Knights and their history, as well as their iconic castle, were used as a political and ideological instrument. This has not only led to historical simplifications, but also distortions, as well as the emergence of various myths and stereotypes that still persist today".
  Tomasz Chądzyński from the Museum is speaking to Elżbieta Krajewska

 Before the exhibition closes in mid-January there are still opportunities to visit, including at spectacular evening tours this coming weekend.