English Section

New app will warn Poles of coronavirus carriers

09.04.2020 07:00
A smartphone app that will help Poles check if they have come into contact with someone infected with the coronavirus should be ready before Easter, a government minister has said.
Image: Gerd AltmannPixabay
Image: Gerd Altmann/Pixabay Pixabay License

Digital Affairs Minister Marek Zagórski said he hoped that over half of the country’s population would use the application.

The app, called ProteGO, does not initially pass on information about whom users have come into contact with, but stores the data on the owner’s device, state news agency PAP reported.

But when someone finds out they are a carrier of the virus, other users he or she has come into contact with will be informed, Zagórski was cited by PAP as saying.

Meanwhile, the PAP news agency has said it is launching an app called #FakeHunter to combat fake news about the coronavirus epidemic.

The project is being carried out together with GovTech Polska, a government team specialising in innovation and new technology.


Source: PAP