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Polish president talks Ukraine with G7, EU, NATO leaders

03.10.2023 21:30
Poland’s president has spoken with the leaders of the Group of Seven countries, the European Union and NATO on further support for war-torn Ukraine, according to officials.
Polish President Andrzej Duda.
Polish President Andrzej Duda.Photo: KPRP/Grzegorz Jakubowski

Andrzej Duda took part in the hour-long phone call on Tuesday evening, Polish state news agency PAP reported.  

The conversation was convened by US President Joe Biden to coordinate support for Ukraine’s war effort against the Russian invasion, US broadcaster CNBC reported.

The world leaders also discussed plans for the reconstruction of Ukraine, officials said. 

Participants included leaders from the G7 group of the world’s biggest advanced economies and liberal democracies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Britain; the president of the European Union’s executive Commission; the president of the European Council; the secretary-general of the NATO alliance; and the president of Romania, according to the Polish presidential office. 

Afterwards, the Polish president told a news conference in the south-central city of Kielce that all the participating countries were “determined to continue supporting” Ukraine.

Duda added: “President Biden urged this in his remarks. Ukraine needs assistance, both military and humanitarian assistance.”

During the phone call with fellow world leaders, the Polish president said that Poland was among “key partners” when it came to support for Ukraine, the PAP news agency reported. 

Duda also said that Biden stressed Poland’s “responsible approach” to "provocations from Belarus," such as the crossing of Belarusian helicopters into Polish airspace.

Biden “thanked Poland for consulting the matter with allies and emphasised that we can be 100 percent sure of support from NATO in the event of any provocations,” the Polish president added.

Duda told reporters that Polish-American relations were at an “all-time high” and that Poland would seek to strengthen ties between Europe and America during its presidency of the EU in 2025.

The Polish president noted that the United States was the framework nation for NATO’s presence in Poland, the PAP news agency reported.

Duda added that a further contingent of US forces was deployed in Poland on a bilateral basis, and that US troops were also stationed near the southeastern city of Rzeszów to strengthen Poland’s defences amid Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, according to officials. 

Tuesday is day 587 of Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, launching the largest military campaign in Europe since World War II.


Source: IAR, PAP, prezydent.pl, CNBC