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Polish PM announces EUR 1 bn effort to boost growth

14.10.2022 23:45
Poland’s prime minister has said he has allocated close to PLN 5 billion (EUR 1 billion) to local authorities for infrastructure projects around the country, adding that the initiative will “sow the seeds of future development.” 
Polands Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki meets reporters in Warsaw on Friday, October 14, 2022.
Poland's Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki meets reporters in Warsaw on Friday, October 14, 2022.PAP/Rafał Guz

Mateusz Morawiecki made the announcement at a ceremony in Warsaw on Friday, Polish state news agency PAP reported.

The money will go to 50 local administrations under the government’s Strategic Investment Programme, officials said. 

The prime minister told the gathering: “This is a very important day for me and also, I believe, for all the local government officials, because what we are sowing today we will reap in the future as a harvest, in the form of new jobs, new technologies attracted to Poland, better jobs and infrastructure.”

EUR 1 bn for local infrastructure projects across Poland

The new funding is being allocated to local governments that seek to expand their industrial zones, by building or modernising road infrastructure, energy and power infrastructure, as well as water supply and sewerage infrastructure, reporters were told. 

Morawiecki said such investment projects were vital to overcome the effects of “global economic turbulence,” deepened by Russia’s war on Ukraine. 

'We are equalising opportunities'

Morawiecki said that new and revamped infrastructure would “help attract both Polish and foreign investors as well as protect existing jobs and create new ones.”

He added the money would go to local governments across Poland, “not just to big urban centres,” and therefore help the country “develop evenly” in all regions.

“Today, by means of this Strategic Investment Programme, we are equalising opportunities and sowing the seeds of future development,” Morawiecki said.

He vowed that “thanks to new or improved infrastructure,” Poland will be “a place where new and ever better paid jobs are created," and become “one big special economic zone,” the PAP news agency reported.  

Friday was day 233 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Source: PAP, tvp.info, gov.pl