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Poles help fuel Ireland's tech boom: minister

27.05.2024 23:00
Ireland's thriving technology and digital services sectors owe much to the vibrant Polish community, an Irish official has said.
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With 120,000 Poles currently residing in Ireland and countless others having lived there over the past two decades, their impact is undeniable, according to Dara Calleary, Ireland's Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation.

"We are very, very grateful for what they have done for Ireland," Calleary said, as quoted by Polish state news agency PAP.

He highlighted the crucial roles Poles play in new technology, digital services and high-tech construction industries, the PAP news agency reported.

"Poles have really established themselves in all sectors of not only the economy, but also in Irish society and contribute to every part of our lives," he added, according to a translation.

Calleary observed that Polish-Irish relations were boosted by Poland's entry into the European Union two decades ago, creating shared opportunities for economic and social development.

Data from Enterprise Ireland, a government agency responsible for the growth of Irish-owned businesses in global markets, indicates that Poles constitute about 2.5 percent of Ireland's population, making them the country's largest national minority.

In 2023, the value of trade in products between Poland and Ireland reached EUR 3 billion, a 7-percent increase from the previous year. Additionally, the exchange of services in 2022 was valued at EUR 4.6 billion, up 40 percent from previous years, the PAP news agency reported.


Source: IAR, PAP