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Polish MPs back new benefits for parents of young children

22.05.2024 08:00
Polish lawmakers have approved plans for new benefits for parents of young children across the country.
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Poland’s government last month adopted a proposal aimed at supporting parents in raising young children.

The lower house of parliament last week approved this plan in a 405-14 vote with two abstentions, state news agency PAP reported.

The measure now goes to the Senate, the upper house of Poland's parliament, for further debate.

The programme, called "Active Parent," introduces new benefits to assist families with children between the ages of 12 and 35 months.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk in April emphasized the universal applicability of the benefits, stating that from October 1, if not obstructed by the parliament or the president, every Polish household with children up to 35 months old would be eligible for this new form of state assistance.

The move fulfills one of Tusk's promises made in his December policy speech to parliament and a pre-election pledge of his ruling Civic Coalition (KO).

The "Active Parent" initiative, also known as babciowe, or "grandparent’s benefit," is designed to provide three types of benefits to parents: "active parents at work," "active in daycare," and "active at home."

The "active parents at work" benefit is targeted at professionally active parents of children in the specified age range, and offers a monthly payment of PLN 1,500 (EUR 350, USD 380) for 24 months. This benefit aims to cover various care options, including care by a grandparent.

In lieu of the current subsidy of up to PLN 400 for daycare, the "active in daycare" benefit will provide up to PLN 1,500, matching the cost incurred by parents for daycare services.

Additionally, the "active at home" benefit will be introduced as a support mechanism for parents who, for various reasons, do not engage in professional activities or do not use daycare services.

This benefit, amounting to PLN 500 monthly for 24 months, is available for each child, including the first and only child, in the designated age group.

The parents will be free to decide how they spend this money. For example, it may be used to finance care provided by a grandparent, including a retired one.

Highlighting the broader implications of the programme, Tusk last month mentioned the potential for increased birth rates, although he cautioned against overly optimistic assumptions based on past experiences with similar financial incentives.

Source: IAR, PAP