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'A dramatic moment': Polish FM on challenges facing Europe

23.05.2024 09:30
Poland's Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski has highlighted the gravity of geopolitical challenges facing Europe amid Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.
Radosław Sikorski

Speaking during a Weimar Triangle meeting in Germany on Wednesday, Sikorski pointed to the ongoing war in Ukraine as well as upcoming European elections, and the uncertainty surrounding the US elections as critical issues.

"We are living in dramatic times," Sikorski remarked, emphasizing the need for unity and collective action. "These are not challenges with which we can deal alone," he said.

"After two bloody world wars, we established a taboo: borders in Europe cannot be changed by force," Sikorski added. "... If we start accepting that borders can be changed by force, it would be a 'recipe for war of all against all.' Vladimir Putin cannot be allowed to succeed in this."

The Weimar Triangle is a regional alliance of Poland, Germany and France, set up in 1991 to bolster European security and prosperity. It regularly gathers the countries' leaders and foreign ministers.

Sikorski stressed that Ukraine must not lose the war against Russia, warning that a defeat would have dire consequences for Europe.

He also addressed threats from Russia and Belarus, including illegal migration and sabotage, underscoring the need for a robust European Union response, and specifically referred to successful prevention of an act of sabotage on Polish soil through cooperation with Berlin.

"A few days ago, thanks to the cooperation of our intelligence services, we prevented a diversionary attack by a Ukrainian citizen living in Germany, who was sent by the Russians to Poland," Sikorski said at a joint news conference with his German and French counterparts in Weimar, central Germany, on Wednesday.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock echoed Sikorski's concerns, calling for increased defense spending and a secure EU.

"Our security is paramount," Baerbock stated. She also emphasized the importance of supporting Ukraine and strengthening EU defense mechanisms.

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné focused on the upcoming European elections, urging youth participation and cautioning against Russian efforts to destabilize Europe. He described these elections as the most crucial in decades, with outcomes that will decisively shape Europe's future direction.

Poland's Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, Germany's Annalena Baerbock and France's Stéphane Séjourné hold a joint news conference after talks in Weimar, central Germany, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Poland's Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, Germany's Annalena Baerbock and France's Stéphane Séjourné hold a joint news conference after talks in Weimar, central Germany, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Photo: EPA/JACOB SCHROETER

Sikorski also announced a new Polish initiative to combat Russian disinformation. "We are allocating EUR 10 million for this at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs," he said, and encouraged other countries to follow suit.

Sikorski emphasized the need for cooperation between politicians and "credible media that verify information" and urged people not to fall for "Russian fakes and disinformation" during the campaign, stressing that "the stakes are really very high."

The Polish, German and French foreign ministers told reporters that they also discussed energy transformation and support for Ukraine's air defense.

Sikorski reaffirmed Poland's recognition of Palestine, advocating for a two-state solution, public broadcaster Polish Radio’s IAR news agency reported.

"Poland recognized Palestinian statehood several decades ago," Sikorski told the news conference. He recalled that Poland, along with 142 other countries, recently voted at the United Nations for Palestine's full membership, thus "raising its status" in the organization.

"This vote was not against anyone, particularly not against Israel, but in support of a two-state solution," he emphasized, and added: "I remind you that externally, Palestine is represented by the Palestinian Authority, not Hamas."


Source: IAR, PAP