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Poland’s Lublin pledges to support Ukrainian cities

08.06.2022 15:20
Poland’s eastern city of Lublin has teamed up with French and German counterparts to declare support for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
Mayor of Lublin Krzysztof Żuk (second right), Karlsruhe city councillor Clemens Cremer (left), Mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein (second left) and deputy Mayor of Mnster Angela Stahler (right) sign a joint declaration to support Ukrainian cities, in Lublin, eastern Poland, on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
Mayor of Lublin Krzysztof Żuk (second right), Karlsruhe city councillor Clemens Cremer (left), Mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein (second left) and deputy Mayor of Münster Angela Stahler (right) sign a joint declaration to support Ukrainian cities, in Lublin, eastern Poland, on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.PAP/Wojtek Jargiło.

Authorities from Lublin, France’s Nancy, as well as Karlsruhe and Münster from Germany, signed a statement to this effect in Poland on Tuesday, the dziennikwschodni.pl website reported. 

Partnerships, reconstruction, support for Ukraine’s EU aspirations

The four cities pledged “to establish or deepen ties with Ukrainian counterparts through city partnerships;” to help “meet their most urgent reconstruction needs;” and “to support Ukraine’s bid to join the European Union,” among other initiatives.

On behalf of Lublin, the declaration was signed by Mayor Krzysztof Żuk.

Other signatories were: Karlsruhe city councillor Clemens Cremer, Mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein and deputy Mayor of Münster Angela Stahler. Also present was Ukraine's consul general in Lublin, Artem Valah.

The four partners got together at the initiative of Nancy, officials told reporters. The northeastern French city invited its twin city of Karlsruhe in southwestern Germany. 

Meanwhile, Lublin secured the participation of its twin city, Münster in northwestern Germany.

Assistance so far

Münster has already sent about a dozen humanitarian convoys for Ukrainian refugees based in Lublin, as well as providing EUR 200,000 in financial assistance, said Katarzyna Duma, the spokeswoman for the mayor of Lublin.

Lublin and Nancy have also worked together to help Ukraine, officials said.

“Nancy has sent humanitarian supplies to Ukrainians who have found refuge in Lublin. It has also provided our city with EUR 50,000 in refugee support and welcomed 100 Ukrainians who had arrived in Lublin,” the spokeswoman told reporters.

Wednesday is day 105 of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 


Source: dziennikwschodni.plwiadomoscilublin.pl